The Last Days | The Testimony of Jesus | Babylon | The End of the World
Don't give in to the bewilderment of men in past ages. Seize upon the prophetic vision set before you in the Testimony of Jesus. With Noahic Courage in a world ripe for judgment you must press on against all odds (Lk. 17:26-30). As one racing against time like Hezekiah & Josiah of old, you must brace yourself for the coming of Babylon in the 70th Week of Daniel. Literally, your days are numbered on a Prophetic Calendar. The events can be reckoned up according to Biblical Prophecy. You must prepare yourself for Babylon & the Coming of the LORD. This is not a secondary issue of no eternal significance. No true "Christ-Centered" preacher would dare to make void "the Revelation of Jesus Christ" given to John. In other words, you must learn to see the Christology in Eschatology. Or, you must learn to see "the LORD" in the Day of the LORD.
You simply cannot afford to be in the dark about what Jesus Christ is doing in the Last Days. For, there are many divine acts of judgment that will precede the 2nd Coming of Christ. In other words, there are many days of judgment that do precede Judgment Day at the Great White Throne (Rev. 20:11-15). You need to know about it! Speaking of such things, Christ said to all the careless and at ease sleepers in the Church: "I will come on thee as a Thief" (Rev. 3:3). It is for want of desire and busyness of life such men refuse to learn how to give an answer to the unanswered questions of doomed generations. Therefore, they are doomed to treat the Two Witnesses (Rev. 11:1-14) just like the rebels of former generations persecuted and rejected Jeremiah & Ezekiel. No one is above it. In fact, the backslidden Church is a breeding ground for all the abjects of the Tribulation Period that will rise up and decry the work of God (Acts 20:29-30). Nevertheless, the suffering saints of the Tribulation are destined to see the Greatness of God like no other generation since the world began.